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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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I love this idea. I remember playing the breath of fire games and help put together my own town as a sub-game.



I have one suggestion. Put in some blank houses that the player themselves can assign a business to(weapons, medical, clothing, etc.). Then, let the player invest in them and over time they increase there wares and grow in size.



Oh, and maybe give each house it's own hp so that super mutants & co. can break it down themselves.

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make girls who you've never really done anything with (talking to, giving a gift, etc.) be jealous

maybe have a girl who you're bad with start threatening/being cold to/tripping (both figuratively AND literally) if they're jealous


do the relationship thing with guys (for women who play women), except kinda mirrored with the variety

maybe have the perfect guy, but whose involved (not necessarily happy though) and can be drawn away if you really try

a really easy to get/but really shallow guy


something involving a ghoul/human relationship (bizarre thing that makes everybody else hate you, cause they're not even human)


for the barber, maybe have him be a really feminine super mutant, or make him a runt (like a really burly human with green skin for the model, and for the story he could be an early FEV experiment that went out into the wastelands like Fawkes did: with spending most of his life in a cell but learning from a library or something) basically make him be really different from the rest of the mutants


should have a child/children.....

maybe somebody's child, or an orphan who drifted there and is kinda taken care of by everybody/several people


add a woman whose a tremendous flirt, but won't do anything with you, or runs away crying when you give her stuff (had her heart broken too many times and is afraid of involvement), basically somebody who you really really want (beautiful/flirtatious/perfect/plus something else to make her desirable over the other one)


as for a village idiot/village drunk, he could be like the village idiot from the tenth kingdom (TV miniseries) and sit on a DRY well that he says has water, with his own mini quest to make water flow (and turn the well into a purified water giver with a bottle per day limit) it could have an evil path, or not, just depending on whether an evil choice would work, or add a choice to make the well flow with liquor (how, I'm not sure, just an idea)

Pic Of 10th Kingdom Village Idiot (To Get The Look)


at some point have raiders/baddies tunnel under the wall and steal molerats out of the pen (after completing a certain part, have everyone gathered around the pen one morning with a molerat gone and a tunnel/remains of a tunnel)


should give it some connection to the capital wasteland, like when its small, the slavers will hear rumors about it and want to attack it and enslave people (you can sell the location to them once you've found it, kinda like the Temple Of The Union), then once its big, turn it into a haven for runaway slaves: meet several slaves hiding out in megaton, rivet city, various settlements, then have a quest involving you escorting each of them/all at once (but make all at once much more dangerous/harder somehow) to the farm, maybe have a ghoul or two whose on the run from tenpenny or some other ghoul hater who'll kill them


make the decisions on the above three varied (maybe an opinion type thing, like with Harold) and have each one change the town somehow, stopping molerat stealers makes them return stolen animals, so have some more molerats, the slave bit adds the slaves (and their skills, have an empty store that an escaped slave/ghoul can move into


a drugden, either hidden in somebodys basement (not commonly known) or really public, but if not commonly known, then run by/you find out is visited by someone who'd be disgraced, and then a quest involving running errands/etc. to gain entrance (maybe have some more errands/etc. after your let in, to get rewards/etc.), and have interesting characters and a chems dealer whose super cheap, but have the whole place be kinda dark (maybe red/purple low lighting) with lots of fancy fabric over the walls (so it doesn't look so wastelandish) or something like that so its very psychedelic


just sat down for like an hour and typed whatever popped into my head, hope it helps!

oh, and I'll join in with quest building/simpler (not much relationship point stuff) dialogue writing

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Those are some cool ideas


make girls who you've never really done anything with (talking to, giving a gift, etc.) be jealous

maybe have a girl who you're bad with start threatening/being cold to/tripping (both figuratively AND literally) if they're jealous


as far as haveing EVERY girl that you don't pay attention too getting upset, that may be a bit annoying, since you can really only keep up a relationship with one (two if you are sneaky about it)

you should probly have to do something negative to them, or flirt with them for a while and then leave, and then they will get annoyed, but leave the nuetral girls nuetral


should have a child/children.....

maybe somebody's child, or an orphan who drifted there and is kinda taken care of by everybody/several people


there are deffinatly going to be a few childern in the town, I havn't firgured out the specifics yet though


add a woman whose a tremendous flirt, but won't do anything with you, or runs away crying when you give her stuff (had her heart broken too many times and is afraid of involvement), basically somebody who you really really want (beautiful/flirtatious/perfect/plus something else to make her desirable over the other one)


there is Karen, but she is not really a big flirt, but she is beutiful and she really doesn't open up to people because she doesn't want to be hurt. She feels like everyone who she has ever opened up to has left her and she doesn't want to go through that pain again


should give it some connection to the capital wasteland, like when its small, the slavers will hear rumors about it and want to attack it and enslave people (you can sell the location to them once you've found it, kinda like the Temple Of The Union), then once its big, turn it into a haven for runaway slaves: meet several slaves hiding out in megaton, rivet city, various settlements, then have a quest involving you escorting each of them/all at once (but make all at once much more dangerous/harder somehow) to the farm, maybe have a ghoul or two whose on the run from tenpenny or some other ghoul hater who'll kill them


It would be awesome if once you get to a certain point in a relationship, your girlfreind gets captured by slavers, giveing you a real reason to go all Punisher on them. But it would be really cool haveing people you actualy somewhat like being enslaved and haveing to track them down to get them released, weather you buy them back from the person who bought them, or just kill everyone in your path


make the decisions on the above three varied (maybe an opinion type thing, like with Harold) and have each one change the town somehow, stopping molerat stealers makes them return stolen animals, so have some more molerats, the slave bit adds the slaves (and their skills, have an empty store that an escaped slave/ghoul can move into


I was deffinatly hopeing to have as much of the stuff as possible physically affect the town, eather tearing it down or helping it grow


a drugden, either hidden in somebodys basement (not commonly known) or really public, but if not commonly known, then run by/you find out is visited by someone who'd be disgraced, and then a quest involving running errands/etc. to gain entrance (maybe have some more errands/etc. after your let in, to get rewards/etc.), and have interesting characters and a chems dealer whose super cheap, but have the whole place be kinda dark (maybe red/purple low lighting) with lots of fancy fabric over the walls (so it doesn't look so wastelandish) or something like that so its very psychedelic


I am deffinaty going to have an underground sort of speakeasy place where it is full of drugs and gambling, but it won't be known about until you follow some clues to get in


oh, and I'll join in with quest building/simpler (not much relationship point stuff) dialogue writing


you should talk to Quetzlsacatanango, right now he is the only person that is working on dialogue and stuff, trying to set up the relationships, or you can just wait till I get a bit more done and then you can help put in dialogue and stuff as I stick the characters in (can you set up characters where they have set scheduels and walk around the town and stuff like that?)

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I don't think I can do character schedules, but I'm not sure

having your girl be captured by slavers, but it seems like it would be a bit hard to script to make ALL of the girls be captured by slavers at some point in the relationship, as well as hard to write backstory/dialogue, but its a neat idea


I'll upload some concept pics of the town gate later today

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somebody like Clover would enjoy that......

otherwise you might just end up with 1 or 2 or 30 bullets in your chest

or maybe even the collar on YOU


about the jealousy thing among the girls......

maybe have a few of them be the kinda paranoid/insecure type that would do that (maybe when you dump them, they come after you?)

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Which girl gives you positive points for pimping her out? :)

I don't recall her name, but there is a small town in the northeastern portion of the FO2 map in which a young woman lives with her father and brother. If you make the right moves, then she invites you to have a naughty. Unfortunately, her Dad breaks into the room whilst you are both in nudus delecti. You are invited, at point of shotgun, to wed his daughter or die. If you marry her she becomes your travel companion and you later have opportunities to rent her out.


I think that Fallout 2 is overall the bawdiest of the series, which I quite enjoyed.

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