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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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This sounds like a great project,Maybe I can help,I don't know the first two things about working with the GECK. But I am a great brainstormer.


ya, just start posting what comes to mind


what I need most is development for my characters and such, backstories and the like, connections between characters and stuff


the characters are listed a few posts back, in blue and green, I mainly want to build off those as opposed to makeing even more people, all I am going to add is mabe 2 more soldiers and a comander guy that protect the city


I really need ideas that help flesh out the specifics of the mod, rather than just giveing me more things to add on to an already complex mod


but any help would be appreciated





and like I said before, you can MSN me at [email protected] if you want to chat about ideas

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outside the settlement, maybe on a mountain in the woods, secluded kinda

have a shack with someone who grows marijuana/drug like that, then have him go to the bar's basement every X amount of time (actually walk there) and replenish the drug trader/specialized trader there (respawn the merchant chest for the main trader/specialized trader)

maybe have him come at night cause the most of the settlement shuns him for what he does

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Ok, I am currently working on a blueprint for the town, I will post it up here when I am done


But anyways, here is a character update


The Girls



- Doesn't like you at first and avoids opening up to people

- Everyone she has cared about has left her

- Works as a gaurd sometimes and a waitress at the tavern sometimes

- Sometimes stays in the Tavern hotel and others at the Barraks

- Is a fighter as a companion



- Is the town baker

- Lives in the back room of the bakery

- Heals you as a companion



- Is very shy at first

- Is the daughter of Rick the Blacksmith

- Reads a lot of books and studies old technology

- Can fix your stuff for you as a companion



- Lives on the other farm with her Father and 2 brothers

- Takes care of animals

- Can summon animals for you as a companion



- Lives with her father, the Mayor and her mom

- Is the nicest to you at the beggining

- Runs the store and appreciates pretty things

- Can find objects for you as a companion


The Guys


The Bar Tender

- Tends the Bar and lives in the hotel

- not sure of too much else

- he tries to act badass and swindle people



- from the wasteland

- one of the best snipers you will ever see

- spends most of his time in the watchtower or sleeping in the barraks


Ann's Brother

- I don't really know yet, but he does something


Other People



- Maria's dad

- Is the blacksmith


Maria's mom

- Is married to Rick



- Runs the town

- Popari's dad


Popari's mom

- married to the mayor



- old guy that make furniture


Ann's Dad

- Runs the other farm


Super Mutant Barber

- Cuts hair

- Freindly unless you insult his hair cuts


Old Crazy Lady

- Makes Herbal Stimpacks

- Has trouble keeping track of her grandkids

- Often mistakes other people or even dogs or raiders as her granchildern


The General

- He is in charge of the deffenses of the city

- Is one of the most influential people after the mayor

- Was once a high ranking member of the Enclave but was kicked out

- Hangs around the barraks or the watchtower most of the time



- The only goul in the town

- Worked for the mayor's grandfather and has protected the family since then

- Has been in the town since it first begun

- Assists the mayor, and is one of the guards for the town

- Sleeps in the barraks


The Kids


Popari's Sister

- Oldest of the kids, about 12

- Follows Popari around

- Most of the other kids listen to her


Ann's younger brother

- About 10 years old

- Mostly hangs around the farm

- Will get pissed off at you if you date Ann


Grandchild 1

- He is about 7

- Likes to make a mess and cause trouble

- Wants to be an adventurer some day


Grandchild 2

- Youngest of the kids, about 6

- Is treated like a baby by her brother and the other kids

- Constantly left out

- Freinds with the Super Mutant





I think 22 NPCs is more than enough for the mod, and may be pushing it a bit...


So, if you have any more ideas for characters, could you please try to fit them into one of the existing roles. They are mostly vuague at the moment, so you can do what you want with them. And don't worry about changeing stuff, nothing is ever set in stone

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how far have you got with this wookie.


i just added 14 wepons & am doing 4 armours now.


I am still working on the new exterior houses I am going to add, but once I get a few of those done, I can recycle a lof of the peices to make the other houses, just change the shape of the houses and stuff


I am planning on getting all the houses up first and setting up the town from the outside in





I may possibly have 1 or 2 weapons for my mod, but I really am not going to make that a focus anytime soon... the only one I really want to do is this, for Karen to have




I do however plan on makeing new outfits for all of the major characters


but I am still working on my 3Ds Max skills, so it will be a while before they start looking good

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ok, I have a quick request from all of you guys helping me out


could you please tell me how many days (in the game) it took you to complete your playthroughs


I think the game starts on 8-17, and I finished my most recent play through on 11-11 (that is with my going home and sleeping every night)


I just want to get an idea of how many game days go by for most people, so I can plan an appropriate amount of dialogue for the NPC characters (since you get options added on a daily basis) As well as plan when I should have festivals and stuff




I guess I should explain when exactly I was wanting to do as far as the relationships




The idea is that each girl has her standard dialogue options that every NPC character that includes buying stuff and quest dialogue or whatever. But then you also get one option that will appear once every 24 hours (game time) and stay untill you select it. This option would lead to your daily conversation, each one being new dialogue that will develope how well you know the character, and you can respond to stuff to affect how many relationship points you get. Each time you go through the daily conversation you get points, and you can get more or less depending on how much she likes your response. You can also get points from giving them gifts and completing quests they give you. These points will add up, and when they get to a certain level, they move the relationship forward so that she goes from just knowing you to likeing you to falling in love. Or, if you keep pissing her off, she will come to hate you.


There will also be events that can be unlocked, like certain stuff you can do at certain festivals, or dates you can take them on where they get drunk, or even saveing them from a band of Raiders or something.


After you get enough points they will invite you to have sex, and you can also have them move into your house.


I am going to create multiple outfits for the girls that change based on the relationship. Some more sexy outfits for when they go out with you and such.






So I need to know how much dialogue I will need, and I will need to come up with a lot of background and personality for the characters to keep it interesting.

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I think 3-5 months (game time) is average, I wasted a whole bunch of time (and had a major quest bug that like doubled my playtime)


festivals, etc. should be on a certain day of the week, weekly/monthly/annually (be careful with annually though)

try to add as much dialogue as you can, cause this should (ideally) be several hours of playtime for the main bits, plus a lot more in side quests/relationships/etc.

and don't add stuff daily without you doing things, in case you didn't do anything for 24 hours, but things changed anyway

different outfits is nice, maybe something that they "sleep" in (though not much sleeping will be done ;))

maybe help them decide on what to wear?


maybe after a certain amount of time and certain level of RPs (relationship points) they could cheat on you with someone else, then depending on RP improvement over time, change how the affair goes, and have hints from people/her/suspicious times of disappearance, but that could get a bit script heavy

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