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Dynamic and Growing Town

Tony the Wookie

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Festivals might be a bit much for the FO3 universe.




I just got another idea. What if on occasion, when you pick a vegetable from the garden you have a chance that you will pick a mutated veggie that will attack you. I know you said you're not so interested in adding more stuff that just adds to your workload, but you might use it for v2.0

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I think 3-5 months (game time) is average, I wasted a whole bunch of time (and had a major quest bug that like doubled my playtime)


festivals, etc. should be on a certain day of the week, weekly/monthly/annually (be careful with annually though)

try to add as much dialogue as you can, cause this should (ideally) be several hours of playtime for the main bits, plus a lot more in side quests/relationships/etc.

and don't add stuff daily without you doing things, in case you didn't do anything for 24 hours, but things changed anyway

different outfits is nice, maybe something that they "sleep" in (though not much sleeping will be done ;))

maybe help them decide on what to wear?


maybe after a certain amount of time and certain level of RPs (relationship points) they could cheat on you with someone else, then depending on RP improvement over time, change how the affair goes, and have hints from people/her/suspicious times of disappearance, but that could get a bit script heavy


That sounds good in theory, but both the only haveing conversations when you do stuff, and the cheating and stuff would just be a crazy amount of work...


As far as the sleepware, I had already planned on it, I just didn't know how to spell lengerei... or langerai... how the hell do you spell that word... So I didn't mention it...


But when I learn how to build character models, which I am deffinatly planning on doing, since designing characters is one of the things I really want to do in time, I plan on adding a custom body type for each one, and then go all out on the underware to make them each a little unique and show off the uniqueness of the body types.


But that will probly be an add on after the main part of the mod is done, and I get more practice makeing organic stuff


I will probly have to release an AO version... :biggrin:




Festivals might be a bit much for the FO3 universe.




I just got another idea. What if on occasion, when you pick a vegetable from the garden you have a chance that you will pick a mutated veggie that will attack you. I know you said you're not so interested in adding more stuff that just adds to your workload, but you might use it for v2.0




They are really just going to be a buch of people getting together and drinking because they have no other form of entertainment. It isn't going to be extravagant or anything, just a simple little get together

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yes, cheating did seem like alot of work for relatively little return

and its spelled lingerie ;)


and don't forget about the men!


Ya, I can do the men too, just doesn't seem as interesting


but for right now, I have a lot of houses to make, a blueprint to draw up, and a mile of dialogue to wright before I can even start modeling characters and outfits and hair


I think I might build here




It is to the East of Evergreen Mills

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I think 3-5 months (game time) is average, I wasted a whole bunch of time (and had a major quest bug that like doubled my playtime)


festivals, etc. should be on a certain day of the week, weekly/monthly/annually (be careful with annually though)

try to add as much dialogue as you can, cause this should (ideally) be several hours of playtime for the main bits, plus a lot more in side quests/relationships/etc.

and don't add stuff daily without you doing things, in case you didn't do anything for 24 hours, but things changed anyway

different outfits is nice, maybe something that they "sleep" in (though not much sleeping will be done ;))

maybe help them decide on what to wear?


maybe after a certain amount of time and certain level of RPs (relationship points) they could cheat on you with someone else, then depending on RP improvement over time, change how the affair goes, and have hints from people/her/suspicious times of disappearance, but that could get a bit script heavy


That sounds good in theory, but both the only haveing conversations when you do stuff, and the cheating and stuff would just be a crazy amount of work...


As far as the sleepware, I had already planned on it, I just didn't know how to spell lengerei... or langerai... how the hell do you spell that word... So I didn't mention it...


But when I learn how to build character models, which I am deffinatly planning on doing, since designing characters is one of the things I really want to do in time, I plan on adding a custom body type for each one, and then go all out on the underware to make them each a little unique and show off the uniqueness of the body types.


But that will probly be an add on after the main part of the mod is done, and I get more practice makeing organic stuff


I will probly have to release an AO version... :biggrin:




It would not be that big of a deal to set a check at some point depending on how you interact with them that would cause them to cheat or in any other way act differently later on.


For different bodies you can also create a custom race for each girl, and give each race a different body if you choose. You would have to have matching clothes for that body, though, or else it would only matter when they're nekkid.

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It would not be that big of a deal to set a check at some point depending on how you interact with them that would cause them to cheat or in any other way act differently later on.


For different bodies you can also create a custom race for each girl, and give each race a different body if you choose. You would have to have matching clothes for that body, though, or else it would only matter when they're nekkid.


If you think you can do it, then go right ahead


As far as the bodies, that is one of the few things in the GECK that I not only know how to do, but have done it several times already. I have my character set up with a different body type than everyone else, and I have also gone through and changed out NPCs with different body types and makeup and such, by useing custom big boob and makeup races and stuff like that.


I do know that each body type will need its own meshes for the outfits to actualy show that it is a different body type. (the whole reason I never released a mod with my NPC bodytype changes last time I was messing with it) So this time around, I am going to do like I did with my player character. While everyone else is the vanilla body type, my character was Type 3 Babe, but I had to stick with 5 of the armors that I had gotten that were Type 3 compatible.


While with my character, I couldn't use any of the outfits I found around the wasteland, with a NPC it is not as big of a deal. I will just give them 3 or so outfits that will be all they can wear, each of which will not only be made specificaly for their body mesh, but it will be made to help show off the uniqueness of each figure.


It is going to require me to make 5 body types, 3 outfits eash, and then the lingerie, not to mention 2 hairstyles each, so it will take a while, but it will be good practice for me, and I had already wanted to make a companion with custom everything from body mesh to outfits to underware. But this will all be after I get the town up and running with the new buildings and everything.

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I think OldWolfe was gonna put it in another worldspace, plus it might have problems with attacks that close to Evergreen Mills


It isn't close to Evergreen Mills, at least not close enough to be attacked. It is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing really close to it. It is just Evergreen Mills is the closest landmark to where it is, but if you go you your map it is in the middle of the big open space to the right or Evergreen Mills


But anyways, I have a wall, trained guards, turrets, and a tank patroling the outside area...


Oldwolfe is working on his worldspace, but I am going to have two copies of the town, one that I make for his mod, and one that goes into the capital wasteland. Once I get the meshes and textures done, makeing a copy will be easy.


I want to be able to go home to the town every night while I am playing through the main quest, so I don't really wan't to keep traveling back to another worldspace, also, he is going to have gaurds that all wear cavalry uniforms and use old guns, where I want different armor as well as a tank and crazy Fallout stuff


So I am going to use the stuff for my town to build him one as well, and he is going to use the stuff from his ranch to help me get the ranch working for my town.

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I think OldWolfe was gonna put it in another worldspace, plus it might have problems with attacks that close to Evergreen Mills


It isn't close to Evergreen Mills, at least not close enough to be attacked. It is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing really close to it. It is just Evergreen Mills is the closest landmark to where it is, but if you go you your map it is in the middle of the big open space to the right or Evergreen Mills


But anyways, I have a wall, trained guards, turrets, and a tank patroling the outside area...


Oldwolfe is working on his worldspace, but I am going to have two copies of the town, one that I make for his mod, and one that goes into the capital wasteland. Once I get the meshes and textures done, makeing a copy will be easy.


I want to be able to go home to the town every night while I am playing through the main quest, so I don't really wan't to keep traveling back to another worldspace, also, he is going to have gaurds that all wear cavalry uniforms and use old guns, where I want different armor as well as a tank and crazy Fallout stuff


So I am going to use the stuff for my town to build him one as well, and he is going to use the stuff from his ranch to help me get the ranch working for my town.



thats crazy!

but why would his have old guns and cavalry uniforms, those are all like 400 years old!

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and one more quick question for you guys


I am going to have 2 of the girls be bi-sexual, Karen will be one, but who should the other be?


Popari, the mayors daughter who runs the general store and likes pretty things

Ann, who lives on the other farm, raises animals, and is a bit of a tomboy

Maria, the librarian that can fix stuff for you, but is really shy

Ellie, the girl that runs the bakery, and is always nice no matter how mean you are


so if you are playing as a girl character, tell me which girl you want you girl to have hot girl on girl action with... (yes, I just used the word girl 5 times in one short sentence...) Since I know at least 90% of the people on here are guys (at least, it is probly more) And guys like playing as female characters (2 of my 4 files were chicks)

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