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Spears/Javelin/Poles/Furniture Thrown Weapons


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Now I'm uncertain if there are just no mods for thrown weapons or if I'm just missing them.


There was one mod for Javelins posted on the Nexus and one overall Throw weapon improvement mod (Skirmisher).


But where are the mods where you throw bricks, stones, giant hypnodisks, glaives, pieces of furniture, picket fences, barbed wire poles, heck even regular poles would work, harpoons and what not.


These are things I would love to see thrown around in Fallout: New Vegas.



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"These are things I would love to see thrown around in Fallout: New Vegas."


HA! Love it.


Anyway, I don't think there's anything quite like that that I've seen, BUT . . .


Yukichigai did make a Miscellaneous Items as weapons mod, and you can throw a couple of them (baseballs and 8 balls at least).


Here's the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38928/?

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