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Supermutant outpost crash


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OK, I have no clue what is causing this. But since the Enclave took over project purity. Every time I try to go into the square that houses the supermutie outpost by it, the game crashes. I've tried with all mods on, all mods off. All DLC on, all DLC off. No matter what I do, it does that 'FO3 has stopped working' yadda-yadda stuff. I haven't a clue what the problem is. Anyone know a way I can try and find out? Since, it's rather annoying since there's stuff around there needing to be done and cant be done if it crashes all the time.. Thanks.
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The only advice I can give is downlading FO3 Edit and checking for any big conflicts, it could be too many loose files in your directory are causing conflicts and end up affecting the original fallout files, this has happened to me a few times, just clear out all unecessary files and run Fo3 Edit and apply filter, if you notcie and big conflicts then huffle around your load order

Hope this helps

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 <== FO3 Edit

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Background color:

White - Single Record

Green - Multiple but no conflict

Yellow - Override without conflict');

Red - Conflict


Text color:

Black - Single Record

Purple - Master

Gray - Identical to Master

Orange - Identical to Master but conflict Winner');

Green - Override without conflict

Orange - Conflict winner

Red - Conflict loser


Just check the actual program

Another way I fixed my game ( beware this takes a while and will bore you to death) is to re-install fallout, but keeping your saves and then re-install only the mods you use reguarly, this will clean up your directory, otherwise I can only recommened you shuffle your load order and make sure all the mods are up to date, and fallout is at 1.6

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Yeah I know what the colors do, but not how it reflects whats going on.. Since half the lines and mod and main esm files are green, and red and orange. But how that relates to a conflict I dont know. It doesnt just say 'This line conflicts with line C from esm B'.. and I've reinstalled my FO3 5 times in the past 2 months. I only have the mods I regularly use in it..
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well I am out of ideas, I can only assume you have a mod that is changing something with the area that crashes or the supermutants themselves

sorry for not finding out what caused it

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Ok.. I seem to have found the problem. No idea how it happened, or even how to fix it... Though I guess its a spoiler now?




So anyways, its the filter area. After the enclave invades it, and you run away. They're supposed to erect electric fields or something to block it and keep you and everyone out. Well on mine that didn't happen, and so when it tries to load that square, it cant find them and crashes. Anyone ever heard/seen/know anything about this, or how to fix it? Since, I've never heard of such a thing before. Nor why it would do this for, it's completely beyond me, and im pretty sure theres no mods I have that would alter that, or change that square in any drastic way.

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