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"barchiveinvalidation" line missing into my "fallout.in


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As you can see in the image, there is no barchiveinvalidation=0 line into my fallout3.ini file. As explained by you, this hack is necessary for having mods working.

I tried run the mods without the hack, but the game wont load any custom model/texture.


What I have to do to solve this?


[sorry if this has been asked in the past, but I did not find any answer with the search tool]

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Hello there! What you actually need to change is "bInvalidateOlderFiles=0" and make it "=1"

Also check that you have these:

Number one, and most importantly, do you have 'Archive Invalidation Invalidated!' installed? If not, you may search thenexus and download it rather quickly (Sorry I don't have the link readily available).


Number two, the way the game will load new textures is based on the folder structure. You must maintain the same structure that is found within the .bsa files (Textures/Armor/... for example), unless specified by your own .esp file (Which will point to whatever directory you told it to in the G.E.C.K.). This goes for meshes as well.


And also, if your mod does indeed contain its own .esp file, make sure you check it (Activate it) from either the fallout launcher, or using Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM).


Good luck and I hope this helps out,


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