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Ok so i have BOSS and Oblivion Mod Manager but i can get either of them to work properly. (Win7 x64 RC1) All i use are the official mods, a custom (by me) and might try a texture mod. But i was wondering if the load order mattered (there seems to be an issuse w/ the Fighter's stronghold and the wizards tower) any idea?


Horse arm


Wiz tower


Mehrunes razor

deepscrone/vile lair

spell tomes

Knight of the nine

Fighters stronghold

Shivering isles

my custom - it just uses ingame stuff and created 2 new places so far starting w/ 11 so no area


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I also use Win7 x64. And I use both BOSS and OBMM with no problems.

What are your problems with them?


They are not mods and do not install or work like mods. They are both utility programs. You really do need to read the instructions.


Note that both BOSS and OBMM work OUTSIDE of the game. When the game starts, they are no longer running at all.


For Boss the installation is simple - put it in the /data folder.

To run it - double click the Boss.bat file.


For OBMM, it's a little more complicated

After downloading, double click on the file you downloaded - it should be a self installing file. (If you downloaded the self installer)

Then to run it, click on the new OBMM icon it gives you.


To run the game - either use the oblivion launcher from inside OBMM (it will automatically start Oblivion With OBSE.

Or exit OBMM and then start the game. Any changes you made will take effect.

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i have insalled both and the are missing some things like in OMM there is another part on that has buttons and a window but is always empty then when i run the conflict check and re-order the stuff i get no difference.


With BOSS i was a complete dude i ran the scrit and the exe. The script showed me a blank txt file and the exe ran a dos style window then did nothing.


and i did not finish reading the read me i was hoping it would be simple and fast so i gave up. I will probly read later. :rolleyes:

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Reading instructions on how to do something is usually the first thing you should do when working with computers, not something that can be put off till later. If you do not understand the instructions read them again. :thumbsup:


In the computer industry this is usually abbreviated to RTFM. (look it up) :wink:


The conflict check takes A long time to run. Up to 10 minutes! (Its in the instructions!) it has thousands of references to check against thousands of other references. Most of the conflicts you will see are not really problems. Any file that overwrites something else will show as a conflict - and most mods overwrite something as that is what they are intended to do. They change an object in the game by overwriting it with the new object.


Another part that is empty?? I think you are referring to the right window?

That is where the OMOD converted mods show up. If you haven't converted any, then there will not be any there. (It's in the instructions)


From the write up on BOSS


REQUIREMENTS: (These ARE part the instructions.) :whistling:


Windows (or Wine), Oblivion, some mods and the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library 2008.


BOSS requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library to be installed on your computer.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library 2008 (~1.7MB download) (It's in the instructions)


Note: Wine is only needed if you do not use Windows. It is for Linux compatibility. (It's in the instructions)


The BOSS.bat runs the BOSS.exe reads in all of the .esp files in your \data folder, (It MUST be in the data folder that the .esp files are located in) compares them against a database then reorders them and replaces the load list with the new load list based on its results. Again, that can take a few minutes. (It's in the instructions) :cool:

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ok yeah. I downloaded and tried to install the 2008 C++ the option were to repair or uninstall i.e. i have it already. And w/ the time thing it took no time on any of them and they were installed in the proper locations.


---I reinstalled BOSS and it worked this time.-- thanks tho

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