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Weapons of the Wheel of time


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Greetings Fellow WoT fans, Have you ever dreamed of the Sword that is not a sword Calendor or the first Power wrought weapon Mah'alleinir or the Key of the other realm Mats Ashanderei? I have and the ones I would like to see are the set from ( http://dem888.deviantart.com/art/Tarmon-Gaidon-188536200 )


I see Calendor as a single hand weapon that buffs destruction magic and has chaos damage.


Mah'alleinir would be a 2 handed flaming burning hammer of awesome.


the Ashanderei would.... I am not sure its only "power" was to cut a hole in space and escape the tower.


I have attempted to try my hand at modeling and I learned I do not have the skill, patience or understanding to figure it out... to me modding and coding and all that awesome stuff is voodoo magic powers...


Also other nifty things I would like to see are mats foxhead medallion that makes him magic immune but gets really cold (I see that as converting damage from spells into stamina drain)


There are many Angreal that can be converted into the world of skyrim.


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.

Edited by Bluwolf5656
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