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Oblivion Character Overhaul


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I just installed OCO and all seemed to go well with all races except the Dark Elf female. She has tire tracks across her face. The male does not. All other races seem fine though I haven't check each gender. Any thoughts as to why this is happening? I have checked my other mods and don't see anything that should conflict. During install I did get a "foot" override (I allowed it). I have Blockhead installed and installed OCO via OMOD. I have a very good Wrye set up running with no issues pointing to this mod.


Thanks for your help!

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There's nothing wrong with your OCO. Those "tire tracks" are warpaint (or war tattoos). Males DO HAVE THEM, and the default Dark Elf male on Chargen sports the warpaint too.


If you don't like them, simply move slightly the Age Slider left or right until they disappear.



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Thanks IkeCoast, the tire tracks do vanish when I move the age slider. The male doesn't show the marks when he is first generated but they do show up when moving the age slider. It's odd though; I didn't read anything about this rather radical addition to the race face in the read me or other material. Do you have any notion as to why the author decided to add this feature to the dark elf race?


I think this is a very good mod. Perhaps the chins are a bit "pointy" for all races but it is such a huge improvement from the original, I am picking at nits.


Thank you again for your help. (I am still and always amazed that folks from so far away can be at my doorstep in minutes to help me in such a friendly way... :smile: )

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I may get corrected by someone more lore knowledgeable, but I believe the Dunmer go through a rebellious period as they age where they "earn their burns" (if I remember the term correctly).

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Hey, Lummina!


Yes, I know why Nuska added the warpaint and scarifications (if you look closely at a Dunmer with no warpaint on him/her, especially if the character is between the thirties and the fifties, you can see subtle circular scars around their eyebrow ridges): because they do have them in Skyrim and Nuska designed OCO's look to be as close as possible to the visual style of Skyrim. She only put this warpaint because creating them was very time-consuming. However, you can download a Warpaint Add-on for OCO v1 at the Nexus, that I think works too on OCO v2


(Striker responded while I was tipyng this explaining the in-game story explanation for Dunmer facial tattoos and scarifications).


And about the being at your doorstep... Where's the fridge?



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:laugh: Fridge is right over there--> Only leftover roasted chicken and some "iffy" lobster chowder--beer is on the second shelf. Please wipe your feet when you come in as I just did the floors this morning.


I am excited to play Oblivion again, modded I believe, correctly. Finally.




Now I'm (sadly) off to post in another topic as for some reason I am "stuck" near the end of the tutorial. Can't get the Emperor to talk to me about my birth sign and such :confused: Meh.


Thanks again for your help dear!

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Yup, it's intentional. The readme and description would be a mile long and nobody would bother to get to the end of it if I'd described every individual change I did from the original game - OCOv2's scope was plainly that huge :D


Long story short I looked at how the races were established in Morrowind and Skyrim and adapted to that. I'm particularly a Dunmer fangirl and wanted to really bring out their cultural traits like the face paintings and scarifications.

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Ok, I will ask it here, you guys are my only hope. I want to create a Frank Frazetta like Conan character. So I have downloaded OCO v.2. and Ren's Beauty Pack hair only, version. And I would like to ask: does anyone have a compatibility patch for OCO 2 and Ren's hair pack? Or if nobody has, can someone tell me how to make them compatible wirh Wrye Bash? I say it again, it's a hair only version of beauty pack, not beauty pack itself. Thank you. :)

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A gentle suggestion: Post your request as a new topic.


People looking at this topic are wondering about the tattoos' on the faces of Dark Elves with the OCO mod.

They are probably not going to be in a position (or disposition) to reply to you. Do this--and I hope you get

help with your issue!

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From one forever Dunmer to another, thank you. I am not a supra-heavy lore driven player but I

now understand what/why you decided to create the face(s) as you did. Reading was interesting.

My best to you.


(And thanks to you too, Ike, for leaving 2 beers in the fridge!)

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