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Dark Minion Never Returns + bugs when consoling him back


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Hey everyone!


I'm having that old problem with the Dark Minion, but it seems the regular workarounds (getting near the ladder, in and out the place and stuff like that) doesn't work.


I've waited around a week inside Deepscorn Hollow, doing all the above and he never came back.


So, after a lot o effort to do so, I've managed to console him back (prid + enable + moveto player - only enabling him works, but it takes around 24h for him to appear again).


The problem with this solution is that if I ask him to go find some poor souls to kill, he will only keep staring at the ladder and won't go anywhere. Also, when I enter those codes they work, but the console displays a message with something like "Set Stage >>>> 10.00" (I would screenshot it if I knew how to, sorry).


Anyway, it's not a HUGE loss, but i'm a big fan of evil characters and Deepscorn Hollow is my fav place, it would be a shame to lose a nice friend like the Dark Minion :tongue:


And some additional info:


- I'm only lv3 and the Dark Minion was the first upgrade. Dunno if having the place fully upgraded could change it in anyway.


- I've "copy pasted" the whole Oblivion folder from my Desktop to this Notebook I'm currently using to play Oblivion. Though I know it's not the right thing to do, I was just too lazy to re-install it plus the mods. But the game did fine until now, i don't believe it has something to do with this.


- I have some mods running, but it didn't happened before and I don't think there's any mod that changes DSH in any way (besides Flora Harvest). I've moved the Vile Lair plugin on OMM as low as I could in the Load Order (theres only this same Flora Harvest after it).


I'd be most grateful for any inputs and, overall, for a solution that doesn't end up with me reinstalling the game or starting all over on this savegame.


I can update this topic with the mod list, order and a screenshot of the console and the Dark Guy staring at the wall (if someone can kindly tell me how to).


Thanks in advance!


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