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NPCs will not wear stolen stuff


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you would have to attach a script to either the Dummy or a spell that clears ownership of the item so it can wear it. Note that this would make so you can sell the item to any vendor, thus giving the player an unfair advantage to getting money. I could tell you how to do it yourself but a tutorial like that would take a good 30 minutes to type and honestly i just don't feel up to it right now lol. Is it Reznod Mannequins? if it is let me know because I have that too and would like too fix that as well, then I'll type up a tutorial for it.
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you would have to attach a script to either the Dummy or a spell that clears ownership of the item so it can wear it. Note that this would make so you can sell the item to any vendor, thus giving the player an unfair advantage to getting money. I could tell you how to do it yourself but a tutorial like that would take a good 30 minutes to type and honestly i just don't feel up to it right now lol. Is it Reznod Mannequins? if it is let me know because I have that too and would like too fix that as well, then I'll type up a tutorial for it.

Actually, setting ownership on inventory items is a bit more complicated since the item cannot be referenced without OBSE. To do it with OBSE I believe you have to do refwalking to find the internal ID of the item, and then setting ownership, but could be wrong.


The easiest solution would be to just join the thieves guild, visit one of the fences (or just use console to drop any merchant under 20 responsibility), sell the item, then buy it back. This will clear ownership on that item. The other non-OBSE solution requires putting stolen items into a container, then using <container>.removeallitems <NPC> to send items to some NPC for holding, then reversing the process <NPC>.removeallitems <container> to ensure that ownership is cleared before taking items out of that container. This second solution could be done rather easily by making a scripted container and placing a rat somewhere in the cell that is not reachable (in a small room outside the normal interior). Then just script the container to move the items, set a flag, and move them back, unsetting the flag.

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