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sound and the geck


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1) Any .wav file is fine as long as it's 44100Hz mono.

2) If you are overwriting an existing sound, you must extract it from the BSA into its native folder. For weapons this is:



Note that the folder names change with different types of weapons. For example, the 2D and 3D firing sound files for the combat shotgun must be located in and look like this:






While the laser pistol's firing sound files would be located and look like this:





You MUST extract and then overwrite these exact files to replace the original sounds.


3) If you are creating your own NEW sounds, then you do not have to extract anything from the BSA, but you MUST follow the folder naming convention - Specifically, you must put your sound files in a folder below \Data\Sound\fx. As a rule for myself, I create a folder under \fx and name it the same as my mod name (like: \Data\Sound\fx\Mymod\). I keep all of my created sound files in there.


4) Then you must create a sound object in the Geck. You can't directly link the audio portion of your weapon directly to your sound file. Again, you MUST create a sound object first. And then link that object to your weapon in the Art and Sound tab. You must be able to hear your sound play as a Geck sound object BEFORE linking it to your weapon. Make sure the flags are checked appropriately for the sound you are making. Look at other similar weapon sound objects to see which flags are set.


Generally, for 2D it's 2D Radius and 360 LFE.

For 3D, no flags are set.

In both cases looping should be set to none.


If you followed all that and still can't hear your file in the Geck, I ask this, can you hear the original wav file you made outside of the Geck, with a standard wav player?

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