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Texture Problem


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Hi, it's the very first time I have this kind of problem with an mod.

I installed all the items from the zip as usually in my case D:\Fallout 3\Data... and started up FOMM and crosses

all the boxes wanted and the launch the game itself.

I go and get the new item from the said location, to my dissapointment my character ends up with just 2 hands and a head floating around, or

if i actually put the following hat on, I get a big ! (the icon in the pip-boy did

however work alright).


So for a while now I've tried a few different things and also tried out some solutions in other topics, tripple checking that everything

is same as with the other armor mods that is working as they should, but without success and I'm running dry on ideas.


I have i.e moved the folders around such as:


From: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\Bronson

From: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Bronson

To: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\armor

To: D:\Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\armor


Hoping it were just some sort of folder issue(?).

At one point i deactivated the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated and activated it again, thinking it were that one being messy...


So, yea, running dry on ideas to why it happens and how to solve it, this would be the only mod I so far have had problem with. :confused:


Well, it's not an very alarming issue, I either just forget about it or do some re-installing in worst case, if I don't manage to get it working.


Thanks in advance for any ideas!




Edit: this would be the mod I have problems with: Nurse

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You dont need to ever de-activate ArchiveInvalidation. Just for troubleshooting, have you ever installed another mod successfully? Reason I ask is to make sure there isn't anything wrong with your configuration files.

Make sure your folder structure is as follows:

D:\Fallout 3\data\meshes\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\SexyNurseD.nif

D:\Fallout 3\data\meshes\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\SexyNurseHat.nif

D:\Fallout 3\data\meshes\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\SexyNurseL.nif

D:\Fallout 3\data\textures\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\Nurse.dds

D:\Fallout 3\data\textures\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\Nurse_n.dds

D:\Fallout 3\data\textures\Interface\Icons\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\NurseHatIcon.dds

D:\Fallout 3\data\textures\Interface\Icons\Bronson\SexyNurseT3\SexyNurseIcon.dds


Also make sure you have the TYPE3 body replacer mod from Dimon99 or the TYPEV body replacer by Luchaire. Not having one of those could also be your problem.

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Yes, I do have quite many mods installed and running perfectly so it very odd to me that it doesn't in this case.

And the files are in the right place once again, I also got TYPE3 body replacer.

So... yea... I'm clueless here...

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Umm, umm, I donno what I did right between the last post, the 4 more re-installations and this post...

Didn't do anything different, installed same way as the very first installation of the mod, where I first encountered the issue...


...but now it works... :huh: ;D

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