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Modified gunsounds not working with distances!


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That's just messy



Fook did that with a assault rifle



Pretty much guns have 3D an 2D sounds


Not much different, the sample rate is usually higher for 2D I think Idk though



The big difference is that 3D is recorded in Mono or one channel allowing it to be placed in the 3D enviroment

of the world by having it's 1 channel sound played in which ever speaker suits the location of the attacking enemy


Not all people that make sound mods have or use programs like wavepad sound editor, where you can convert

an save or edit wav files, setting the sample rate as well as how many channels they have

In this case I'm guessing when it was made either the 3D an 2D got mixed up

or perhaps even, it's just using one sound for both the 2D an 3D sound settings



A quick way to find out would be to find that sound file which will be a .wav file in the

sounds/fx/weapons I think, anyway when you find it, right click an select propertys

then the summary tab on the right will show the details about how that .wav is set up


You should also see if it has a 2D sound and a 3D sound, and can compare to make sure that

the 3D is a mono one channel while the 2D is stereo two channel



Depending on how messed up it is, which is might just be the name is mixed up or that

both the 2D an 3D are the same, meaning it's just a copy of 2D with a changed name

you could either edit the sound with something like wavepad sound editor, or just extract that

weapons vanilla sound (just the 3D file) then replace it with that vannilla 3D sound which

is set up to be one channel.



I mean so long as the 2D verson sounds cool, which is what we hear when we shoot at folks

I don't really mind how well the 3D sound is, so long as it's set to be a 1 channel

When a 3D sound is set up to be two channel it's just as loud as the gun I'm shooting

which ruins the game because that raider shooting the gun with the messed up 3D sound

is 200 yards away, but it sounds like a first person sound or 2D

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The 44kHz sounds you download sound a lot better



but you know it depends on the players ears



might sound like crap in your world an better than crap in mine




Basicly a weapon has a 3D an 2D sound


You pick that for the weapon in the GECK


But you probably won't figure out that you can create as many sounds in that list as you want


I think in GECK it's under misc, somewhere in there is the sounds


the sounds with WPN in front are the ones in the list




So pretty much you could create as many sounds on that list as you like



Tons of work but yeah you could give each weapons it's own sound




When I create a weapon I've also recently started making a sound for it at the same time


Pretty much I just copy the 10mm pistol sound, only change the name to the theme for the project


Like say I'm making a Glock 40 (glock 39) whatever


I'll take that WPN10mmpistol.wav then rename it to WPNGlock40ish731.wav or something

Put that anywere in the Data\sounds\fx\wpn\folders

then go back to GECK where I'm right in the middle of making a new weapon

go to the sounds part in GECK open the WPN10mmpistol, then rename it to create a new form

thereby not replacing every 10mmpistol sound in the game, but making a new one for the list

that points to that newly named WPNGlock40ish731.wav



Then after the new sound form is created in geck I go back to the weapon where it shows up in the list

for available sounds, select it, save, and then later I can replace that sound file with one that is

something I thought would work well, or even test out many sounds


just by naming whatever sound I find to the same as the WPNGlock40ish731.wav

or well WPNGlock40ish731_2D.wav, whatever, then drag an drop it in

and select yes to replace the original, which was just the vannila 10mm pistol or whatever




Pretty much I create a ingame save point to test the weapon, then exit an replace the sound

over an over until I get one that sounds good, Also the length of the Wav file comes into play

some of them are like 3-4 seconds long giving this long echo of the gun shot across a valley or whatever


Sometimes I ditch that, an keep it around a second long, or maybe 0.6 of a second for something full auto

It's fun though, when you get good sounds


Also some of the vanilla sounds are quite good, but the mods that replace sound got rid of them

all you do is unpack them via FOMM's bsa unpacker, then replace the files in the data\sounds\fx\weapon folders



You can also convert 3D sounds to 2D sounds


just following the rules from looking at the propertys details for the wav files

you'll see the difference between 2D an 3D so a simple save as at the other rate

would change a 2D to 3D or visa versa because we don't really worry about the 3D sounds


but converted some of the 3D sounds work well for 2D

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