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What dictates music selection within a folder?


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I'm wondering if anyone knows what dictates what tracks are chosen for a particular environment/event in Oblivion. I've been playing around with replacing the game music with my own music by putting MP3 files in the Oblivion/Data/Music/(whatever) folders. I know that battle cues up music from the battle folder, going into a dungeon cues up dungeon music and so forth.


The thing is, if I have maybe 5 or 6 files in a given folder I seem to only be getting one or two played over and over and over. So say I have 6 different MP3 files in my /battle folder and I go into 10 different battles (with the music having gone back to dungeon or exploration or such between each battle)... I'm only hearing about two or at most three of the tracks from the /battle folder.


Does Oblivion pretty well start at the top of the list and play its way down? Does it just not randomize the selections all that well? Do different areas of the map or different environments (i.e. forts versus elven ruins) trigger the use of different tracks? (e.g. a battle in a fort might use battle_01 and battle _02 while a battle in an Oblivion gate uses battle_05 and battle_06)


I'm trying to swap out music from the game with music from stuff like Children of Dune, the Lord of the Rings soundtracks, and stuff like that. But if it's only playing one or two "favorite" files over and over and over and ignoring other files it could be throwing into the mix then there's really no point in having a broad selection of tracks per folder. It'd just be better to play the music on my nearby laptop while I play Oblivion.


Any insights would be welcome.

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Thanks, I'll check it out. I know I can just play music from my other computer while playing, but I like having it associated with events in the game. When battle engages, it's great to hear the main title from Children of Dune kick in or To Aslan's Camp from Narnia... but not for every single battle. Thanks again.
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