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Face paint / mask


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This isn't a request, as such. It's an idea I had I posted somewhere else, and it was requested that I post my idea here. The idea is in two parts, the first part probably isn't possible. The 2nd part is not only possible, but probably fairly easy.




This idea is probably not one that is possible.


A replacement for the eyeglass slot. Removable face tattoos/warpaint.


No DR. Very minor stats. +1 to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. or +5 to a skill.


Maybe when you drop it on the ground, it's a box that looks like a makeup kit.


I think it's probably not be possible since the various faces all have different shapes/meshes.


However, if it could be done, I think it would be wildly popular with a lot of people.




Indian War Paint (+1 luck)


KISS (the rock group) face paint. (+ 1 charisma for Ace Freely, -1 charisma for Gene Simmons)


Football Player under-eye blacking. (adds +1 perception)


Geisha Girl (+1 charisma)


Kabuki Actor (+5 Speech)


Camoflage Face Paint (+ 5 Sneak)


If it's not possible: Hockey masks with these patterns on them. They would have minor DR, the same as normal hockey masks. But I do think face paint would be cooler. (I'd personally use face paint, I wouldn't use the hockey mask idea, but I know a lot of people would.)

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