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Is there a set limit to the number of additional mods and esps that can be added to oblivion, if so can these range be increased ?


Reason for Qs, is that any new esp or omod that I activate does not work (CTDs)!, however if i deactivate an already active esp, then add the new esp it will work. Have checked compatibility issues and OLODs.


If there is a set limit could someone please post an up to date list of must have OMODs/ESPs.



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the basic limit is 255. although by using Wryebash you can combine ESP's and add actually more than that. also load order is very important when you add mods.The more mods, the more important load order becomes.


thanks for advise, now as i am a complete novice !!!!! (do not have wrye bash, would not know how to use it), if i use obmm to create a single omod of stand-alone esps will that count as 1 or will each esp within the omod still count. apologies... have to many good esps/mods etc that i want running at the same time (greedy).

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the basic limit is 255. although by using Wryebash you can combine ESP's and add actually more than that. also load order is very important when you add mods.The more mods, the more important load order becomes.


thanks for advise, now as i am a complete novice !!!!! (do not have wrye bash, would not know how to use it), if i use obmm to create a single omod of stand-alone esps will that count as 1 or will each esp within the omod still count. apologies... have to many good esps/mods etc that i want running at the same time (greedy).

you cannot to my knowledge OMOD multiple ESP's as if similar mods are used, conflicts and overwrites occur anyway and I believe you'll cause crashes more than you solve anything!

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