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Take your own notes & markers?


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Can someone make a mod where you can personally type in the notes in your quest journal to guide you? Also, for those who prefer the convenience of map markers, I'd like the ability to make your own custom markers, but for each individual quest (instead of having a single custom marker that you have to constantly change).


These two additions would really help with immersion.

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I like using this mod to allow you to add, delete and edit custom map markers. It gives you a spell that you cast to place markers on the map, then you hover over your map marker and left click on it to enter text.


Warning... Don't cast it inside City's and houses, as it can make your game crash. I only use it in the

open world, and in open world villages.


I use it all the time to keep track of locations, and events on the map.


Multiple custom markers with notes by Falouu http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38731/?


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