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Need GECK help.


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I'm having some trouble.

Whenever I save something that I made/edited off of the GECK, it doesn't appear in FOMM, or Windows Explorer. The .esp appears in the GECK.



See Attachments for proof.



I am using Windows 7 Beta.

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I'm just going to guess




I have no idea




I'd check the property settings for that folder, or the view of folders

Then check where the GECK is set to save stuff


Then last use the windows search tool to search the file name you created



I've sort of got a gut feeling that because geck see's it but FOMM didn't then maybe it was saved

outside of the data folder, or maybe there is a setting that is wrong or off



Do you get the GECK red suitcase icon on esp files, you should an I think it has to do with setting

esp files to be opened with the GECK program by default, or maybe it's automatic when you install geck.



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Yh this happened to me too. Try checking into ur data folder but then if ur using windows look at the top bar of the window with (Organise) (View) (Burn) and finally (Compatability Files). Click it and u should hopefully find all ur GECK. esp's there.


Then just copy and paste into the previous folder (FO3 data folder) to test the mod / don't delete the origonal copy because the Geck edits this one.


The problem with Vista, etc. means ull hav to make a new copy everytime u edit the .esp o_O


Hope this helped! :thumbsup:

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