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Need help with radio music stutter


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I like many others suffer from major music stutter in fallout, and all the methods I have been able to try have not worked. I cannot register the MadFilter CODEC, my laptop says that it is not compatible with my 64 bit version of windows vista. Is there a 64 bit version of Madfilter, or is there another CODEC that that I can use?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't have a DLC yet unfortunately, but its not that crippling it just means I can't listen to the music on the radio stations, although I havent found agathas station yet so I don't know if it will work on that. I was looking through the sound bsa file and realised that the music on the radio stations are the only sound files that use mp3 instead of/with wav files. Is there any way to make the game play the music with wav only? Or maybe someone could make a mod in which the music files are all wav? Speech is fine so there must be a way in which the music can, maybe changes in the script for the radio? I'm not sure if that will help, but if someone can find a way to do this this many people will be very grateful.
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