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A house mod request


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Since i began playing skyrim i have been dreaming a house mod, but neither someone made my dream house yet nor i was able to buit it myself (i played the game with three different computers and i wasn't so lucky to make the ck work properly), so i gave up my hopes and decided to request it from here to see if there is someone so kind to make my dream come trough...


I know there are lots of house mods around but i am looking for a simple log (wooden) house mod in a spesific place... The house must have only one middle or large sized room with afew storage containers, book shelves , a fire place (with cooking pot) and a double bed... outside there could be a porch for fishing (in place of the rock hill shown in the picture in below links)


Location and possible house visuals are as seen in the following links


Map : http://soe.hubpages.com/hub/The-Lady-Stone-Standing-Stone-Primary-Location-The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim#slide5868524

Place : http://soe.hubpages.com/hub/The-Lady-Stone-Standing-Stone-Primary-Location-The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim#slide5868524

Exterior : http://i1-games.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Skyrim-Mod-The-House-Pine_1.jpg

Interior : http://i1-games.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Skyrim-Mod-House-on-the-River_1.jpg




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Thanks for the reply, Serpedia is one of my favorite houses and i really enjoyed using it, congratulations for the beautiful house and the mod...


I just hope that someone can buit the house (i can't do it because ck doesn't save in my computer) even if nobody does a house mod for me maybe someone can pick the location for their house mod :)

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