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The year 3000


What will the world be like in Y3K?  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. What will the world be like in Y3K?

    • Green, filled with nature and happyness, hardly any people
    • Same as now, more people
    • More urban everywhere, billions more people
    • A Machine planet, so many people our lifes are worthless
    • Post nuclear wasteland, nobody left
    • Totally differant, new super race in control, humans only a myth
    • Taken over by aliens, Earth become a gallatic gas station
    • Apocalypse, Earth ruined to ashes, demons etc.
    • Utopia, science brings immortality and perfection to all man
    • Ants get big, consume all, ant world

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All hail the Giant Ants! Unlikely? Very. The venerable insect overlords still have my vote anyway.

Seriously though, increased urban sprawl is probably the most likely of the given choices. But if it goes on long enough, we might end up with the wasteland/post-nuclear carnage scenario. It's all pure speculation though. For all we know, it could be like Star Trek (the whole utopia thing).

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I'm for the more urban und billions of people more thing. ^^


But what should I really expect? I mean, why make up my mind about things that will go on while I lay around in a coffin? ^^ Don't we have enough to think of in our lives? :P


And if something like rebirth really exists... Then I don't wanna come back again. Not on earth and not elsewhere. One time is definitely enough. :) (A virtual world would be something else xD)

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And if something like rebirth really exists... Then I don't wanna come back again. Not on earth and not elsewhere. One time is definitely enough.


But think of all the movies/games we miss! :rolleyes:


Still, would get kind of boring "respawning" all the time. :happy:

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I voted for the cosmic gas station as no other choice came close.


I believe that the earth is much like a garden that has been and is being manipulated to produce. Eventually it will be time to harvest. After that the most productive of the humans will be gathered and taken as well as much of the natural resources that have been gathered into land fills, nuclear waist sights and other storage sights. If the manipulating race or races see fit they will leave the Moon in place but it will not be maintained. Without maintenance the moons functionality will degrade as well as its primary and secondary functions.


The moon as a machine:

  1. climate stabilization
    • causes cyclical tidal flows facilitating the ocean currents needed to maintain favorable global temperatures

[*]Earth core stimulation

  • causes the earths core to remain active thus maintaining a relatively stable magnetic shield.

Eventually without the moons influences the climate will become erratic and the core will become unstable. The magnetic shielding will tend to fail more and more regularly until the solar wind and cosmic radiation take their tole on the biosphere. If I am correct, the Earth will be much like Mars is today unless Earth becomes indispensable to the manipulators in a more contemporary state.

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