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Total Convertion 40k (Crew needed)


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First of all, let me introduce myself:


My name is Cim Söderholm, I come from Sweden and have reached the moderate age of 21. I am successful project-leader and plot-writer for independent games and also do some voice-acting for those same games. I can tell you right now that computers and I do not get along, which is why I suck at modding and even more so at 3D-creation. Which is why I come to you here in the Fallout Nexus Forum.


I have long sought a way to express my plots in a more advanced manner (i.e. for once I would like to stand behind fully rendered 3D instead of shambling and awkward heaps of polygons) and when I recently bought Fallout 3 I was surprised to see that it used the same motor as TES: Oblivion. So I thought "Wow, they should make a Nexus for it like with Oblivion". Had I waited with this statement and instead sought it out through Google as I did afterwards, I would have saved myself the trouble of looking lika a complete moron infront of my friends. I looked around the Nexus and found ALOT of mastercrafted Warhammer 40k mods. An idea hatched after just a moment of rincing the old headgears.


However, as I mentioned above, I am no good with computers. So now I am doing an inquiry to see how many would be interested in a total 40k convertion of Fallout 3 (that is replacing armors, weapons, some actors and models and the main quest). It will be alot of work, I am sure, but some of you I know are very dedicated to your work. If you are interested in any of the following or just have comments about this idea (after all, this isn't Youtube, so I will hopefully be saved of some miandering ranting and non considered bashing) please post here or PM me (although an open discussion is perfered).


As I see it I will need at least the following to realize this minor dream of my life:


- 3D-designer and animator

- Assistant plot-writers

- Programmers (I think it sounds more professional than modders =p)

- General experts of the field

- A handful of voice-actors (about ten should do since Betheseda seems to use about four or five of them |=p)

- And of course, comments and ideas


And before you ask, yes, I have considered asking cerberos008 for permission to use his Space Marine armors, however first I would like to see if anyone at all is inerested in this project.





Cim Söderholm

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Hello! I JUST signed up here on the forums. I have recently become obsessed with fallout 3 seeing as how I have so much free time after graduating from college (can't find a job!). I am actually going back for grad school in the fall! I have experience with Maya and photoshop and I will be looking to pick up fallout 3 for the pc (i borrowed it from my brother on the 360). I also play the tabletop Warhammer 40k (1500 point tau army) and love reading the 40k novels. I am actually tracking Vigil Studios (currently working on a game called Darksiders) who have a Warhammer 40k MMO planned for their next project. After looking at some of the 40k mods here, my jaw just dropped and i instantly fell in love with the idea of a 40k quest line or world within fallout 3.


I can help as a 3D artist as well as do my own textures though i have never animated before (i am more environments and props). I can wrap my head around some code, at the least i can read code but as far as creating my own, i am still learning :) I am very familiar with the Warhammer 40k universe and can help with voice acting though i have no professional experience voice acting ( i can do a killer meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!).

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Well that was the most... formal request I have seen.


Anyway, this has been requested a number of times, its only recently we've been getting stuff different from space marines, the Tau are popular now.


Still, a total convertion is a long way off, sorry.

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