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Total Convertion 40k (Crew needed)


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remoding the storyline would only create make it another WH40K game but to shorten it how about adding it as another faction quick idea:

New mutliple factions have folded from the 'Warp' into the past they only held in rumor, centuries before the God-Emperoer came to be. Now their ships have crashed and now must secure themselves and stop the others from spreading. Key Players: Space Marines (2 or 4 Chapters), Chaos Marines (2 or 3 types), Imperial Gaurd and Tyranid maybe.

limit on unit types would be good keeping majority to ground troops maybe dreadnoughts and walkers, and maybe bikes NO TANKS would make them overpowering to try and attack as the Lone Wanderer w/o 'TGMing' it.

allow for Imperiam to work with Enclave and BoS this if for man kind their just prologues to the Space marine Chapters Doctrines.

they both seek lost technologies and battle mutants and demons born from the radiation. They are just Fledglings.

Chaos will work with Mutants and Ghoulified humans

tyranid of course works alone, their just galactic mutant locust


need maybe 3 sites as crash sites W (just north of the capital ruins southe of Vault 108) for Imperial Forces, E (west of broadcast tower KT8) for Chaos, and NNW for Tyranid west of Vault 92

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Do you have a mind-probe Mardrigon, because that was pretty close to what I was going for storywise. Except something like this:


Inquisition, Grey Knights - Enclave (purge the mutant and all that)

Iron Hands and the Techpriests - Brotherhood Outcasts and

Black Templars and Salamanders go with their own race against Chaos.

Imperial Guard - BoS

Chaos - Supermutants

Death Guard - Ghouls


And of course Thousand Sons fighting Eldars in some random encounters.


Tyranids I figured wold be hard to model and animate for the game, not to mention how frustrating it would be running into a swarm of them or (God help you) a Carnifex.


I looked into the other thread, but found it a bit too... secretive. It's like even if you are interested you are held out of it. I can at least admit that I haven't given too much thought to this, I have basicly ran around the Wasteland looking for some good spots to smack down a couple of Drop Pods and a Space Marine base. =p

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Understandable BUT Space Marines do not FIght one another unless its against traitor legions so the should not invovle themselves in "Pre-Chapter affairs" now the SPace Wolves and Blood angels ( I do believe, i cant remeber or was it Dark angels ) have a honor dual between thier members. but if you look at the Fallout story line besides the main one, the two factions enclave and BoS and even outcasts are Gathering the tech and trying to save their country from mutants. this is similar to the Tech marines belief in the NECRON leadership cast for lost tech ( OOPS plot devices)

as for have a understanding of your thoughts NO I AM NOT A LIBRIARIAN


Unit types:

Space and chaos Marine Troop, terminators, dreadnoughts

Cadian troops

as for the last faction coming from the WH40k universe animation Tyranid is true may be hard might want to go with eldar

using Battlefleet Gothic might give ideas for base designs of Crashed locations and those could be used as base of ops for each faction now IMperial forces would want Tech and knowledge of the world while Chaos is chaos ring them proof of victory now the reason i suggested tyranid and not eldar is to add a none communicatable encounters eldar may have been forced into the gallatic war but if you look at them they are close to Vulcan/Romulans of the star trek universe ( FORGIVE me lol)

now to limit the resources and the size of the factions storyline additions might be it was a scout or expiditionary force ambushed by another scouting force a warp storm errutpted swollod the forces and flung them here


OH on personnal note i just graduated ECPI and do models, program in C++, oracle/SQL databases and been playing many rpg since '94 and table tops ( WH40k, mordhiem, Battletech) since

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