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Far Cry

Simple mod, easy game and all for fun :)


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Everybody wanna got mor realism... I don't.

I'm playin for fun, when I want more realism i'm going to play airsoft ;P

Ok, i've try do this mod alone, but I can't I don;t know what I'm doing wrong...


Ok, what I'm need:



-Colt (KW1911) - Firerate 800, Basedamage- 120, ammo (capacity) 16

-Kriss Vector (KSV) - downgrade firerate to ~~1000 , Damage as like Colt (It's the same caliber - .45) Magazine capacity - 50

-M93 - Upgrade to 1000 Basedamage (one shoot one kill - its .50 CAL!!!! )

- MKG - 200 ammo, more damage, more firerate. (downgrade recoil :D)


- 50% up all capacity's


Cost's, skills, equipments...


Cost of weapons plz - about 50-100$ (1911, KSV, M93, MKG and GL94) And equipments (suppressors, ACOG's or other high power scopes and somethink else...) for 20/30$

All skills, weapons(and all equimpents), wingsuit, plz from start.

Plz change cost of mines, grenade, ammo for GL94, C4 for 1$ per 1 .


This mod won't be only for me. I think MORE people want ve fun! :D


THX from advance! :D

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