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Issues with all money mods

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I have tried multiple mods to try fixing the lack of money available for bartering and none seem to work as described. I have many mods running, all properly installed, so I know it's not an installation issue. I would really like to have moremerchantmoney active, but it doesn't boost anyone's money amount. I became frustrated and decided I'd download GK's Max Merchant Gold (the one that unfortunately gives all merchants 65k gold) instead, but it will not work either. I have OBMM, I'm running OBSE and I've checked these mods with Wrye Bash, and it tells me there's no conflicts. There must be something I'm missing here. I'd really like to sell my awesome items for at least somewhere near what they're worth.


Anyone have any clues what could be causing these issues? I have absolutely no other issues with the insane amount of mods installed, but for some reason any money mod completely fails for me. I've checked in OBMM and Wrye both and know that there is no weird mod conflict going on. Perhaps something in the .ini I need to modify? I'm at a loss and frustrated.

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Try and list your load order though, maybe someone knows a conflict.


You could create a little spell that changes the bartervalue of a merchant...

You could even do so via the console...using "SetBarterGold" while you've clicked on the merchant.

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