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Resurrecting Dave and others


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Over a hundred or so saves back, I killed everyone in the Republic of dave to get Ol Painless, but now I'd rather he was alive. The kids seem to be permanently hostile to me or something, is there any way to reset this area, resurrecting the npcs and setting them back to friendly so I can do the minor quest and be put at ease? The corpses are long gone and I'm not really sure what to do.
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download this mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=670 then go to tenpenny or megaton house and pick up the notes. shows a complete list of npcs/monsters/weapons/ammo (console codes) yet no junk items like scrap metal and stuff. tells you what to type in. like set.modav <skill name or special name> you can find dave/bob/others from the npc page. they should spawn non hostile if you spawn them not in the same cell as the children. hope i helped.
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I got around to resurrecting them by using the reference IDs and setav aggression 0, but dave is now unable to attack me unless i straight out shoot him and the kids all think everyone is still dead. Help?

you cant make the kids think that dave is alive. if you would have killed him and his wives more secretly they might think he is still alive. (they do for me except for the little girl that saw me do it). and unless making him interact with the children and other people make them think hes alive then your pretty much screwed. sorry man.

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I'm still not convinced. This isn't a gamebreaking bug or anything, hell this isn't a bug at all, but it bothers me to no end. I'll keep looking for a fix, but I'm not going to the extent of starting a new game.
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