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FO3 job


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i think that would require fose :sad: but you can go to the geck make an out post put guns ammo etc and two or three turrents outside and maybe a prison in the basement full of raiders killing supermutants and or a caravan stop so the caravan sit there and give you a fee of 20 caps each time they visit and or buy some food and etc thus is possible only with lots of effort and time and some geck scripting :P
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There are a few mods that give jobs or quests on a regular basis, such as More 2 Megaton, which gives you debt collecter jobs, town defence jobs as well as earning your way to becoming the new sherrif and more. I haven't finished playing the mod through yet but from what I read there's more than I have mentioned, but check it out, its a good mod.
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actually, a caravan would suit better than a shop itself i think.


you could put up with a brahmin or others animals to move your stuff, follow the same route the other caravans too, or make your one. each time you get near a town, people would spawn to ask you for things.

also it could add some random encounters, like beggars asking for free stuff, you can ignore them or kill them for karma, thieves that try to steal [sneak aproach to you] or talon mercs, raiders and muties that want the suplies you got.


sorry for bad english xD

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Nothing I've seen in this thread requires FOSE in the slightest. FOSE doesn't make things POSSIBLE, it makes them EASIER without tricks. The old Weapon Mod Kits v1 didn't require FOSE. It just swapped out your weapon for a different one that looked the same but had a different scope. The new version does that, too, but it doesn't require as many scripts, and carries wear and tear across to the new weapon.


Overall people put too much faith in FOSE being required for scripts, but also fear it way more than they should. FOSE doesn't cause crashes. People not coding correctly using it causes crashes.

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