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Quest Questions


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So I'm setting up a mod that will add two or three energy weapon vendors to the game. I've seen several people comment that other than the Silver Rush there aren't any so I'm making a (hopefully) cannon mod to fix that.


In a nut shell: an NPC will ask the Courier to clear out an old bunker so the NPC can get at the old weapons stash, then set himself up as a energy weapons vendor for the rest of the game.


I've done about half of it but I'm struggling to work out a few things and I can't find the answer on Google. I have several questions about questing/scripting:


# 5 days later:

So once the bunker is clear of enemies the Courier will return to the NPC and the NPC will say "now the bunker is clear I'll send in my Mercs to collect the weapons, I'll be setup to sell them in a few days, come back then...". How do I setup up a quest stage that is basically "wait 5 days", I'm guessing with a script-timer?


# Killing Deathclaws as a quest stage:

How do I get the quest marker to point at a dozen or so Deathclaws located in two different cells? So basically how to make a quest stage that is kill a bunch of things?


# Level Requirement

The weapons available in the bunker and on sale after the quest is done will be high end and I don't want to break the game, (the vendors will be at the Mojave Outpost which you can get to pretty early in the game). How do I make the quest only available to Couriers that are above a certain level? I'd guess with a script in the quest-giver's dialogue, something like:

If courier level =< 16 then

no quest


ofter quest

End IF


If you know the answer to any of the above or know of online tutorials so I can work it out myself then please reply.


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