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The Legend Of Dragoon Transformations


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About two years ago, someone worked on a mod called "SPirit Of The Ancients". It was content based on the old PS1 game "The Legend Of Dragoon." Sadly, it was never completed. This happens to be my favorite game of all time, and last night a potential idea to try this idea again hit me.


You take how the Werewolf/Vampire Lord transformations work (The special skill tree, the third person view, etc. etc.) All you would have to do really, is limit the animation to the "flying" stance of the Vampire Lord, give it new skills, change it from a claw attack to whichever character's weapon, and re-mesh the thing into an armor rather than the weird Vampire look.


THe other part ot this would be making some sort of set-up setup so that you could pick which Dragoon armor you would want, so it woudl take a lot of ability changes and whatnot. Whaddya think? Doable?

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Well it wouldn't be completely out of place...it could just be a sort of dragon transformation for the Dovahkiin. I'd like to see this too. It was one of the first games I played for playstation :P Just be aware of copyright issues for whomever picks this up...

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Well it wouldn't be completely out of place...it could just be a sort of dragon transformation for the Dovahkiin. I'd like to see this too. It was one of the first games I played for playstation :tongue: Just be aware of copyright issues for whomever picks this up...

I wish I had any form of modding skills, but according to some people around this site, just making a piece of armor could take years. Hadn't even considered having it be slightly more generic and lore-friendly, taht would be even better :D

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Well luckily the dragoon transformation pretty closely resembled the vampire lord animations which would save a lot of trouble.

the problems would be a) tweaking the animations a tad to match the stance, b) the modeling for the wings and armor, c) the textures, d) changing the spells used by the vampire lord to use a one-handed sword in the right hand (since I assume the default would be to use Dart as a reference) and a few other things...

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Well luckily the dragoon transformation pretty closely resembled the vampire lord animations which would save a lot of trouble.

the problems would be a) tweaking the animations a tad to match the stance, b) the modeling for the wings and armor, c) the textures, d) changing the spells used by the vampire lord to use a one-handed sword in the right hand (since I assume the default would be to use Dart as a reference) and a few other things...

Yep, exactly. But Skyrim's default weapon-hand is the right, isn't it? Wouldn't be too tremendous of a leap, I don't think. For that, at least.


And yeah, that's pretty much the heart of this idea. Tweaking the Vampire Lord so that you retain your humanoid features, and it just turns into armor instead of a full new form. Then tweaking the talent trees, how you LEVEL the talents, and the abilities, though teh abilities would possibly be the easiest out of all. ANother problem did jsut occur to me if you try to use other weapons however, which would require some extensive modeling and re-coding to accomodate hammers, axes, and the various other weapons the cast of TLoD uses.


The other big piece would be making what is essentially a changing station, so you can pick which one you want. Or even scattering shrines all over Skyrim for the seven (maybe eight, if someone felt inclined to include Divine Dragoon), so that you could get the armor color/weapon/abilities you want.



All in all, it would take a serious amount of work to pull this off, but definitely plausible.



...And does it really take years to learn to make a single piece of armor?

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