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Casting speed mod?


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I was wondering if there was a mod that lets you cast spells faster. Or more specifically casting spells on yourself faster.


I use a mod that makes leveling skills slower and I do enjoy it. But leveling Restoration takes FOREVER and I was hoping there was a mod that would make casting on yourself faster to speed up leveling Restoration a bit.



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I was wondering if there was a mod that lets you cast spells faster. Or more specifically casting spells on yourself faster.


I use a mod that makes leveling skills slower and I do enjoy it. But leveling Restoration takes FOREVER and I was hoping there was a mod that would make casting on yourself faster to speed up leveling Restoration a bit.



Nope, believe it's something with the timing in the animation, or could even be hard coded since all creatures, even new ones, have about the same speed when casting spells.


For leveling up a skill, my best suggestion would be to find a mod that raises the number of times you can train to something like 30-50 per level. Then seek out a restoration trainer. As this is just a simple game setting change, it's much easier to do if all you want is to level that skill up.

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Yeah that's the thing, I've tried shorting all of the casting animations - to no avail. The character just finished the shortened animation, stuck there and then went back to idle. Has to be hardcoded - or something or the other.


Wish it wasn't.


Just one of those things :glare:.

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For leveling up a skill, my best suggestion would be to find a mod that raises the number of times you can train to something like 30-50 per level. Then seek out a restoration trainer. As this is just a simple game setting change, it's much easier to do if all you want is to level that skill up.


That just reminded me of that Trainaholic mod. I just couldn't get over that name. Dunno why I find it so funny.

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I'm fairly sure it can be done, but not very easily. You'd have to increase the speed of every single animation.


@ihateregisteringeverywhere: The problem is that you forgot to redefine/recalculate the timespan (in which the animation is supposed to be played). If you make it play faster, but keep the time, the character will be stuck with it until the time runs out, regardless of the actual animation. If the time-span is to short the animation will be cut off at the end.

I don't know how to do it, though. I just read about it in some tutorial, where exactly this problem was addressed.

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