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Is there an alternate Mod site to the Nexus?


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Is there an alternate Mod site to the Nexus that is author friendly. I am sick to death of posting a mod that I have literally spent weeks working on only to receive nothing but Troll Dropping is Posted Comments.


If anyone knows of an author friendly site let me know please. I'm done with the Nexus....

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Is there an alternate Mod site to the Nexus that is author friendly. I am sick to death of posting a mod that I have literally spent weeks working on only to receive nothing but Troll Dropping is Posted Comments.


If anyone knows of an author friendly site let me know please. I'm done with the Nexus....


There's mod author tools available here to deal with trolls.


1. Post removal

2. User blocking (for when option 1 isn't enough)

3. report function (if/when 1 and 2 fail)


You'll have roughly the same tools/utilities elsewhere (like the workshop) - but you tend to find trolls everywhere. Closing up and leaving due to a few comments is really letting then drive you off. So they win.


Block them out if you find their comments wrong/poor/abusive. Or just report them and let the staff deal with it.


I'm guessing you've already removed a few comments by this time - as looking over your mods, I don't see anything that counts as real "troll behaviour".

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You won't find a better, more author friendly site. Stick with it, don't let a few idiots spoil your hobby. As far as the rest of the authors here, myself included , are concerned, each and every troll removed makes the site better and you're doing us all a favour. Get them banned, know you have our support and don't let them drive you off. Make no mistake, we want you here and we don't want them here.

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