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Question regarding the old TV mod from Razorwire


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Anyone know of any reason the sound won't play when making custom videos for it? I followed the guide to the letter and for the life of me can't seem to get sound.


The video works as intended and all is well except no sound. No matter how many times I redo it nothing seems to work. I have tried multiple times now and always the sme result of video with no sound.


I'm stupid and need help.........




Thanks anyone who cares enough to offer any thoughts or tips.

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I have never worked with this mod or tutorial, but the first thing I would do is make sure the sound is in the correct format and plays in the GECK.

Just open the GECK with only Fallout3.esm checked.

Then in the tree go to Miscellaneous and then Sound.

Open the second one which should be AMBComputerRackVault01LP.

Click the button below the ID and browse to your wav file.

Click OK and then OK again to close the sound.

Open AMBComputerRackVault01LP again and hit Play. If you hear your wav playing then it is ok. If you hear silence then your wav is in the wrong format. This is just where I would start.

You can close the GECK and just don't save.

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Guess I should have said this before but my audio is all good so far as GECK and anything else is concerned. Something seems to be going wrong at the point when I plug the audio into the video mesh in Nifskope. Everything else seems to run just fine I just don't know what I'm missing and it's startin to get a little annoying...

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First, Add a new Sound in Geck linked to your wav. Give it a name.


In NifSkope, in the forward sequence, select the NiTextKeyExtraData.

In block details, add (or replace) a key with 0 as time and

"Sound: NameOfYourSound" without the quotes as value.


Does it work ?


Congratulation to have made it so far ! Always wanted to add films to the TV, but I've been stuck at the FO3Edit section.

So instead, I've developed my own animations and will hopefully release several screen animated items. Soon..ish.

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Done all that.. It's making me crazy that it won't work heh. I took a look at one of the ones from the mod, mine is identical (minus the names) and it still don't work.


I want to give up but can't bring myself to just up and walk when I'm so close......... Maybe 50th time is the charm.

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