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WMK weapons for Enclave Commander

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im trying to add WMK weapons to my custom enclave commander soldiers and it requires to load multiple ESMs and ESPs in GECK, when i finished changing my soldier's inventory and saved to a separate ESP and loaded the game the WMK weapons were not in their inventory but all the other changes like ammos were there.

I loaded my mod in GECK and discovered there is something wrong with the Parent Masters tab, all the ESMs were there but all the ESPs were missing, and WMK mod is an ESP. I discovered that using FO3edit i can make an ESP dependant on another esp and i tried that, but when i finished changing my soldier's inventory using GECK and saved, the ESPs were missing again, i think GECK probably found out im making a file depandant on ESP and isn't happy about that so it deleted the entry in the parent masters tab.


so my question is is there any way to freeze the mod dependency tab or make a file dependant on ESP? also when im changing my soldier's weapons to vanilla weapons, they keep on picking up other weapons and use them, is there anyway to make the soldiers stick with the gears in their inventory?

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I reckon the NPC's pick up an use whatever has the most damage or damage resistance.








I wouldn't get stuck on WMK.


It's old, an some of the meshes are messy.


But Idk maybe it's got a update, I haven't looked in a while.


I mean I thought the best part about WMK was that


it was scripted an had loot items to fix up weapons.


The weapons themselfs looked kind of bland if you ask me


at least when viewing them in nifscope


If you ask me Enclave wouldn't even be using that stuff in the first place.



If Enclave is what's left of the USA then all their weapons come from the bunkers deep underground


where poop tons of M4A2 rifles or tons of advanced technology weapons were stored


which would mean they would use brand new weapons or at least the freaking killer custom weapons


that we make an put on nexus that took a month to make 50 of, or days an days just to make one.



Idk if you insist on having enclave with WMK guns, then maybe you should extract the meshes an textures


to a false data file on the desktop then use nifscope to edit them, you can open those, maybe add in some parts


or clean up the WMK messyness, Then maybe retexture it to look Enclaveish, then extract those into


your real data file, and create a new .esp that is just the weapons an no loot lists or scripts to provide WMK


Just plain old weapons, Even better you could make these weapons in the .esp which has your enclave with WMK guns .esp


Nice clean an easy to use...



If you ask me though you should just give them all M4 super 90 shotguns with 3.00 an 60 to 100 shots a second

making them realistic semi auto, BAM BAM BAM Enclave Represent...


Better yet give them some of the FOOK weapons, that would be FOOKIN cool




Something even further you could make stuff like WMK's weapons an with a little work even get a better result

I'll have to check on WMK sometime soon an see if they changed it with a searious update.

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thx for the reply and sorry i didn't make things clearer because i thought it would confuse u lol


i gave my soldiers the FOOK weapons, g36c m4a1 m4super90 etc. and able to save the changes successfully,

because they are all ESMs and geck have no problem letting mod dependant on ESMs.


but when i want to add WMK weapons to them which is esp file (btw i think u really should check out WMK, its

really good and u can even mod the FOOK weapons, just look at that g36c with silencer and laser sight,

its so bloody awesome!!!)


back to topic, so when i want to give my soldiers WMK weapons it requires the mod to be depandant on

WeaponModKits.esp and WeaponModKits-FOOK.esp but GECK can't make an esp dependant on another esp so

the changes were unmade when i save. i can make it dependant on those 2 files using FO3edit but when i finish

changing their gears to FOOK-WMK weapons and save, GECK found out that my file is depandant on esps and

undone the changes made by FO3edit, and all the gears that requires WMK disappeared.


so is there a way to make an esp dependant on another and still able to edit the file in GECK without changing the dependency?

i hope i made it clear to u :P

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