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Fallout 3 Vista fix!


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Being a fallout fanatic since my first steps in the Wastelands.

I have played FL3 for more then 120 hours but eachtime SOMETHING spoiled my fun.


First off, after playing with a save game for over 20 hours. Chrash...

Secondly, saving and V.A.T.S errors which also results in Chrashes to Desktops.


Now, after MONTHS of cursing, trying, installing, uninstalling, reinstalling, updating and downgrading...

I found a solution which solve MY problem for 90%.


So I only can say, are you STILL getting C.T.D's on FL3, getting tired of getting the same hits on Google.

Then try this!



!!!!!!!!!GeForce Release 180 BETA 180.84 driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





It is an older driver, but due to the fact that Nvidia does not support Vista on any official way... this driver

is the only one which reduce the chrases for me for a 90%.

Yes, from time to time the game hangs, but only 2 times in 5 hours gameplay so... that is already 5000% better then before.


I really hope that I helped some people out with this.




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