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Creating New Topics, Dialog Problem


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Alright another problem hoping someone can solve it once again..dear god i know i am starting to annoy people here..with all this topics of help and what not but where else to ask :/


Anyways my Tes Construction Kit crashes upon trying to create new conversation's topic or something, i for example add greeting, when i am about to add text for it, woop CRASH!..i can hear TES Construction Kit laughing at me each time for it, and i don't know what to do where is the problem i tried almost everything and no hope for it yet..

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Downloaded, Installed, Solved. Thanks, so that i don't make another topic again

Could you please answer me the problem why NPC i create wont use any topics or conversations i make i really need this for my mod to make custom converastion and topics players can talk about with Custom Made NPCs..but nothing i do will work

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Hey, Mysticcro!


Alenet told you exactly what I was just about to tell: CSE.


About custom topics and conversations, once you have created all the lines of dialogue, you need to assing them to a Faction and then make the NPCs you want to say these dialogues members of that Faction.


You can name the faction whatever you want, look the vanilla Factions to have some examples on how they're created.


This way your NPCs will pick up the appropriate lines of dialogue according to the Faction settings. If you want some dialogues to be linked to very specific events, you should create a Quest for them, but I think the Faction will suffice.



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