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shopping plaza/bazaar


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well recently i thought of an idea to put a shopping center somewhere in the game like a one stop shop sort of place where players can go to relax, stock up on supplies and pretty much buy stuff and interact with some new people where all the worries of the wasteland can be removed with lower prices but higher condition for items.


the problem with most mod ideas is that usually the idea isnt narrowed or brainstormed about and then modders lose interests becasue the ideas are to broad. so post your feedback, ideas, and if you could help with anything it would be greatly appreciated.

sadly i could probably do some of this but my fallout now always gets CTD on startup with is incredibly obnoxious so hopefully i will get that ironed out but dont plan on it anytime soon...


so heres a sort of basic outline of the shops that should be included.


a pet shop in the game just one where u can go and buy animals/feral ghouls/creature etc. from the shop keeper to become followers. you should be able to name the animals/creatures that you buy like they are real pets. the shop keeper can give you a quest to find him animals in the wasteland and you can strap a collar of some sort on them and then bring them back to him for caps.


a junk store where players can buy random items that you would find scattered across the wasteland. (possible quest?)


a weapons store where players can buy weapons at regular price but the weapons should be in high condition (75% or higher) so players would rather go there then any other store. maybe a unique weapon?


a clothing store where clothing can be sold at regular price but have a high condition. maybe a unique article of clothing?


a grocery store/pharmacy where all the food/drugs etc. can be sold a lower then usual price.


and a bar/hotel where u can buy a room (for one price instead of buying it every time you need to use it) and drinks for low price. maybe a female who you can pay for her "services"




and a list of new NPC's


one for each of the stores


the bartender


like 5 gaurds who walk around the area maybe one who stays at the entrance. gaurd should be incredibly tough so if someone tries to just run in and loot all the stores at least has a run for his/her money


roughly 8 wastelanders who stay at the hotel and walk around the area.


the prostitute


maybe a person who doesnt have a home but stays there for protection who is down on his luck and you can give him caps and maybe once you give him enough he will open up a small stand where he has a sort of lottery which you can enter and if you win you get a weapon like the chinese assault rifle, or maybe a few stimpacks like a random item draw i guess



if enough people seem to be interested i will put a basic MS paint drawing if the overlay of the town.

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not exactly what you were saying, but you would probly be interested in the project I have in the works?




I could always use help comeing up with more ideas if you want to hop over to my topic



But I thought you were working on that other mod about Hitler Bob Raider guy and that Jack kid with the giant Enclave Weapon of Mass Destruction...

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