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Serana cure bug


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Okay, I've been trying to sure Serana for a while now. I searched for a fix to this bug but the only answer I found was to reload my game to before I asked her about being cured and wait until the end of the questline, then try again. The problem is I deleted most of my saves because of lag, and that save was one of them. Does anybody know of a mod or a console command to fix this? Because its really irritating me. Thanks.



- Nick

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First of all, I'm no expert but I don't think this topic belongs to mod requests. To answer your question, do the following:
1) Go to this page http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Serana and get her refID

2) Open console and type "PRID {refID}" and hit enter

3) type "moveto player".


Alternative route:

1) Obtain refID

2) Open console and type "player.moveto {refID}"


Or travel to Morthal and go to Falion's house to see if she's there. Or wait 78 in game hours and search Fort Dawnguard.

PS: Next time you encounter bugs, try the Elder Scrolls Wiki for debugging solutions.

Edited by Errornamenotfound
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