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PC and next upgrades (advice wanted)

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I have a 1TB HDS721010CLA. I didn't run most of the benchmarks, I looked at a chart a while ago comparing HDD speeds when a site ran a bunch of benchmarks. There are much newer and likely superior models of Hitachi HDD than mine, of course, but specifically the HDS721010CLA was among the slowest of all the tested drives.


Making judgments regarding modern HDD based on old drives is like picking a new car's make by comparing Ford Model T and Citroen 2CV.


Especially since there are no Kias and no Ferraris in the world of computer parts. There are specific platforms and specific models, and that's it. One day Seagate is the fastest, the other Hitachi, the next WD.


The specific platform sold as Hitachi 7K4000 and Toshiba DT01ACA offers, at the specific moment this post is being written, specifically with Toshiba branding, the best price/performance ratio on the market.

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$130 for a 1TB HDD with Seagate insides? I think I'd pass. For a desktop.

The tiny flash cache only helps Windows boot times and that's about it.


In a laptop it might be worth the trouble since you can't use a separate SSD.

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