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How do yOu run your downloaded pluggins?


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I recently downloaded the underworld armor for oblivion and being new at this, I am not sure how to run it. How do you run the downloads for oblivion?



Usually you just unzip either to your oblivion\data folder or to a temp folder and follow the readme file. Then activate it in OBMM or whatever mod manager you use.

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I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you. Please be honest and don't worry about hurting my feelings with criticism as I have a thick skin.

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No war, cooperation. Different guides will work for different people. Mine is older, nearly 2 years old, and has helped many neophytes. However, It is badly in need of updating. Yours is a week old and as yet has no track record. So far it looks very good. I recommend they look at both and take whatever works for them from each. I will be interested in seeing any feedback on what helps and what does not on each.


Mine is not the first. When I started several years ago I used the thread by Stampede to learn how to work with mods. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=21998 Most of my inspiration comes from there. I have tried to simplify it as much as possible as many of the posts assumed that people knew something about computers, file compression or file structures.


main takes so far - You have tried to put it all in one post, while I have tried to break it into smaller more manageable bites. That's why mine is not posted on Tesnexus, the individual posts would quickly get separated and mixed up. By placing them on a site that I control, they stay together and in order. I can also go back and edit one section without having to repost the entire thing. That way anyone who comes across one of my old links will be sent to the latest version.


All in one post means it can easily be placed on Texnexus, I recommend putting it in the articles, then linking to it when you want someone to see it. Pinning dosn't work. the people who need this don't seem to look there before asking for help. They don't know enough yet to look there. Stampede's topic is pinned. Did you see it?


Mine is more aimed at people who are not only unfamiliar with mods, but unfamiliar with file structure (where files go) and unfamiliar with the concept of compressed files as well. I include a mod made specifically for the help files, one that requires nothing else to work, and will work with any version. And a detailed description of how to work with 7-zip as well as a link for downloading 7-zip.


What I do not have is a good set of instructions on how to handle problems with mods that have Texture, Mesh and other files. and do not install properly when dropped into the data folder. I had originally planned to follow up with an intermediate set of help files that would include another special made mod with texture and mesh parts. But I found very little interest in that.

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