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Refusing Faction Leadership


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Am I the only one who finds it really immersion-breaking and RP-disruptive that you end all the faction quests as a leader of that faction? My current dragonborn, 'Zhi, was basically born to be someone's favored minion, and she finds being expected to actually lead without some higher authority to obey incredibly distressing.


There's a mod to let you make Tolfdir Arch-Mage, but (as far as I've found) not any for the other factions. If I knew anything about modding myself, I'd make them, but since I don't, I'm hoping somebody else will. Just something to let you shove leadership off on somebody else. Farkas or Vilkes for the companions, Nazir or Babette for the dark brotherhood, Brynjolf or Delvin or hell, Vex for the thieves guild. Anyone but the player character.

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