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Help Request: changes to plant nifs invisible in CS


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Drake, it sounds like you probably have a lot more experience playing at this than me, and i'll be hitting you up for pointers next time I have a glitch. But in the case of plants...which was the question at hand...the example I gave works just fine. In fact works fine on most everything I've toyed around with except animated meshes. Those use a very specific structure that must be set up properly.

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You're right of course. Unlike you 'I' didn't have a clue how the NIF structure for plants is to be set up, but I failed to see a reason why the instructions you gave shouldn't work for them.

That's why I did write "However, in case of plants like here I 'think' you're safe to paste them where told." in my post after all.


I just wanted to raise awareness of there very well being critical differences with certain object types, thus keeping in mind it doesn't "always" work that way couldn't hurt.

For example with weapon NIFs, especially those with sheathes, or for creature NIFs among others things won't 'always' work out that easily by just pasting stuff into the Scene Root.

And here I was clueless about how plant NIFs actually function myself, so I thought it can't hurt keeping this in mind. Was just throwing it up there to consider in case all else fails.


And coming to think of it, I did encounter 'animated' plant NIFs as well already, like those giving visual feedback when picked for example.

I never know what kind of NIF the OP's working on unless I take a look for myself, which right now I simply cannot for the time being.


edit: But back on topic, I was mentioning this "applied"/"non-applied" translation business for a reason, because it 'could' be (again just guessing) the cloned stalks aren't actually 'invisible' but rather at the same position the original is still. In that case it'd mean this kind of object will not work with non-applied translations or rotations. Giving it a try and 'applying' them might help already or at least eliminate that as the error source here.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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And again it seems you've considered things I hadn't even thought of. I have a question on something totally unrelated...sending you a pm.

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Success! Turns out that I was not pasting the copied branches by clicking on the 0 NiNode Scene Root. I thought that I could just paste branches by right-clicking in the viewing window with the same function, guess not. Not a very user-friendly system, that. But it’s working now.


As for the texture pathing thing, I checked up on my stuff. Yes, game folder setting in NIfskope is correct, so once I put stuff into my Obivion data folder for use in the CS, the texture paths do in fact read: textures/whatever/whatever. My texture paths only follow something like C:/myname/games/etc. for the stuff in my resources folder, which I have to manually set paths for since I keep that stuff separate from the data files. My confusion over the issue can be chalked up to the fact that I don’t yet have a thorough understanding of all the whys and wherefores of modding. Well, time to get back to work. Thank you all for your helpful feedback. :laugh:

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