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I do have 3DNPC installed, but on multiple saves where it glitches I have never spoken to Hrojmir.


It could very well be 3DNPC causing the issue, but it probably doesn't have anything to do with that NPC in particular. I'll try disabling it and creating a new savegame tonight.

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We're crashing specifically after loading a game after dying


This is a known issue with heavily modded setups. There is nothing you can do about it. It's actually better that you quit to desktop after you die and restart the game.


(see cdcoolley's post)


Going to uninstall 3DNPC launch save. reinstall 3DNPC and see if its fixed.

Do not do this with INPC, and avoid uninstalling mods mid-playthrough in general, unless you want to corrupt your save games.


Your issue with not being able to dismiss a follower is likely not related to INPC, and more likely related to AFT. There is an AFT-INPC compatibility patch by the author of AFT, but I don't see it in your BOSS log. Download it and install it.

Edited by ripple
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This is a known issue with heavily modded setups. There is nothing you can do about it. It's actually better that you quit to desktop after you die and restart the game.


(see cdcoolley's post)




This was a problem in Morrowind (reloading 10 times -> ctd, even unmodded), but I never experienced it in Oblivion. It's back? Geh, that sucks.

I found an addon some time ago that does actual full saves on certain conditions instead of quickasves or autosaves. Would that be worth exploring?

There's also an addon that makes it impossible to die, and so when you die the mobs return and you get transported to the nearest hold prison, stripped of your gear which you have to get back.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45894/? could work?

Combined with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34842/? as well, then disable ALL autosaves and make them manual saves.

Edited by Ishayu
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Thank you for your reply I have downloaded the INPC AFT comp patch. did not know about it so thanks a million.


Also you said this occurs on heavily modded setups I understand that but heres the thing, my previous play I had about 180 mods installed all including the ones I am running now and Ive never ran into this quickload issue. The post from that link is interesting


I will try to only use manual loading although I recall having a crash with that method too.

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There was a tool being developed for Oblivion which attempted to prevent (many) CTDs from occurring. It never left alpha stage but worked quite well even then (to prevent many CTDs from occurring). What some user eventually discovered, however, was that their savegames became corrupted later on, precisely because the game continued to run (and they made saves after) when it should have crashed (to prevent them from saving). The moral of this story is that while most mod users believe that 'random CTDs' are the most fearsome foes in Skyrim, they are actually not. The most fearsome monster in Skyrim is that which corrupts your save games to the point they become unplayable, after you have sunk hundreds of hours into the playthrough.


Whether quicksaves and autosaves are more likely to generate corrupt saves than manual saves is, as evidenced by the thread I supplied, a matter of debate. Quicksaving and autosaving in Skyrim does not overwrite existing quicksaves and automsaves--instead, the game deletes the existing quicksave and autosave, then makes a new quicksave or autosave (so when you make a manual save, you should also do the same--only make new saves, never overwrite existing save, and delete old saves if they start to clutter). If this is true, then tools that purportedly make full saves when you would normally quicksave or autosave, are basically redundant. You can also increase the number of autosaves via an ini tweak.


Personally, just to be...safe, I disable autosave altogether (via ini), never use quicksave, and only make manual saves via the game menu (about every 10 - 15 minutes). I almost never experience CTDs except when my character dies, and that's something I can easily put up with.

Edited by ripple
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