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Companions XP


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Hey im requesting mod so i can make nerdy char and jericho can clean up and i get XP for his kills no matter what...just like in Fallout 1 or 2 where you always got Xp for companion kills...


Closest mod i found was by hereticus but i still have to hit enemy at least once if i dont no XP...


So any one can make it or at least give me tip how to modify mod by hereticus? thx in advance...


Edit: Im playing F3C and XP is really hard to come by so even stupid 3 xp from bloodfly is much...

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I believe that Enclave Commander has a script to gain companion XP, as does Robco Certitified. Try PMing the authors.


Thx i will... :)


I PM both autors of mods...i hope they can help...


Any way i try to use enclave commander with f3c and well dident work i used version 0.6 when this script was added...why 0.6 not 0.9? well im only interested in this one script i dont need more features but it dident work...i even typed in console this command set j3xvertibirdxpgain to 1 and nothing :)

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