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Buildings in the sky


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I am haveing a small issue but one that is really messing with the fun of the game. When I go to the add-ons I have buildings from the Capitol Wasteland showing up in the sky. I have only a few mods running MMM and FWE but this issue has happened with other mods as well so I don't think they are doing it. Also I have had this happen before I re-installed the game a few days ago. also I am fully updated and have a legit copy of the game so I really don't know what could be causing this. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks
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  • 1 year later...
This happens to me too, its really noticeable in Point Lookout. Anytime my character faces south, you can see the buildings about 5 miles out and 4 miles up. I'll load a screen later, right now there's clouds blocking view of the buildings.
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