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DS2 Style teleporting - fast travel replacement for better immersoon


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There are mods which do something similar to this already, so i guess it's possible


in Dungeon Siege 2, you could summon a small teleporter which would take you to the nearest town when activated, there was another teleporter there when you appeared which could send you back to the same location


both disappeared once used to go forth and back one time


I think this is a believable way to have limiteted fast travel without breaking immersion




the loading screen was also a simple teleport video, which gave you the feel that you were teleporting somewhere


you could unlock the ability to teleport to only a few locations IE the major cities, college of winterhold, the dark brotherhood sanctuary and sky haven temple(there's already a similar mod for sky haven)


believable places


unlocked by say, completing a certain mission for the Jarl/faction or just purchasing the unlock for a lot of gold


anyone up for making this? as a spell or an item ect

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