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Some powers/spells inspired by DS2


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Can anyone try and add these as powers/spells, i liked the combat powers in DS2 a lot, they add variety and tactical depth to combat, some of these have similar/same equivilents in Skyrim, but some useful ones don't, some examples i'd like to see are;


Rapid Fire - power

Fire arrows twice as fast for 15 seconds

-50% stamina

-25% damage

Used with shortbow, requires a perk or certain level of marksman skill


Charged Shot - power

(next shot)Fires a charged shot that does double damage(or triple?) and goes through multiple enemies in a line

Chance to stun enemies, depends on your level vs enemy level

-50% stamina

short range effect

requires decent level/perks

cannot be used with low end bows or arrows


Provoke - power

aggrevate nearby unfriendly NPCs to YOU

need to use a shield

perks and levels in block skill tree

cannot be used with low end shield

-25% stamina

chance to work evemy level vs your level


(in DS2 this is shown as the charachter bashing his shield to get enemies to attack him, your meele tank did this to take damage instead of the weaker party members, but you can use it to attract fleeing enemies or get enemies attention too)


Gravity Stone - spell

cast a stone(or something) at a location or in the air in front of you which pulls unfriendly NPCs towards it or locks them in place, preventing them from moving for a few seconds

chance to work your level vs npc level

spell can stick to somewhere like a wall, or hang mid air(maybe the longer you hold down to cast, the father it goes?


Summon Provoke - mage power

If using a summom, power causes unfriendly NPCs to attack your summon

-25% magicka

chance to work your level vs NPCs level


Summon explosion - mage power

-25% magicka

your summon dies and creates a small explosion doing it

short range, damage of explosion based on your level


the idea is that each power would have a recharge rate of a few mins, you can only use one even few mins, you don't rely on them and they can be used in a key tactical moment

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