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'Summon Odahviing' shout/spell request


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Alright, I know this has been requested in one form, but that wasn't what I was thinking of.


I remember when I got Dawnguard and got to the Forgotten Vale, I freaked the hell out at those two revered dragons, and I remember Durnehviir not being particularly great at handling them*, so I tried to call Odahviing. Alas, Bethesda didn't bother to update Call Dragon so that he can be called into the Dawnguard areas, nor Solstheim. Of course, Odahviing can also not enter areas added by mods, so that's a little... annoying, yes?


What I also find mildly annoying is that when you call his name, Odahviing has to fly his big butt all the way from the Throat of the World to you, while if you call Durnehviir's name, it's as though you just pulled a dragon out of your butt. However, Durnehviir's calling shout has the benefit of working basically anywhere.


So with that in mind, would it be possible for someone to very pretty please make a mod that allows you to SUMMON Odahviing? :blush:

I think it would be best if this was done in the form of creating a new shout or spell or summoning staff(such as the one in Dovahkriid The Dragon Lords for one dragon) or so forth. The reason I say that is so that if someone wants to use another mod that alters the Call Dragon shout (such as the Command Dragon mod), there are hopefully no compatibility issues.


*Please don't say "here use this mod for Durnehviir" instead; there is already a mod for bettering him, and that's not what I am asking for.

Edited by ShenziSixaxis
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