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Is it possible to change the location of a custom house?


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I'm just testing the waters at the moment and my modding is very (very) basic but I just wanted to know if it is even achievable.


So basically, I really like a modders custom house that they have made and put on Nexus, but I don't like the location and I want to move it somewhere else. To be honest I'm not really sure how to go about it and whether or not I would have to contact the creator? I imagine it wouldn't be as simple as copy and paste.


If anyones got any tips or suggestion I would really appreciate it.




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Personally, I would contact the author. If it's just for your own use I doubt they would have an issue with it, and you never know if anyone else has suggested the same thing you could help them to improve it.

Also it's just being polite :)


As for moving it in the CK, the best way I find is to disable the terrain around it (select a piece in the render window then press '1' twice. It makes the selected item transparent). With the house floating in emptied space, you can then drag-slect it all and move it to where you want.


Depending on how far you want to move it will depend on the best way to do it. Cut and paste is easiest, but you will need to reset any links (like doors, or activators).

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