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Scripting help needed


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Currently when I pause the game and then unpause it the radio station I was listening to stops playing, even though it is still selected. To get music to start playing again I have to deselect and reselect the station through the pipboy. Is it possible to write a script that does this automatically? Or if there is another way to make sure the music keeps playing? Btw this only happens with the songs, not the speech.
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By using a MenuMode block and an "int" variable, you can store whether or not the game is currently in MenuMode (paused). In addition, you can specify specific types of MenuMode either by passing a parameter to the blocktype declaration or by using MenuMode as a function in a conditional statement.


For example, if you want some code to run only when the player re-enters GameMode from MenuMode 1013 (which designates the "Pause" menu) then you could use code like this:

int bPauseMenu

Begin MenuMode 1013; Pause

if bPauseMenu
	set bPauseMenu to 1


Begin GameMode

if bPauseMenu
	set bPauseMenu to 0
; Run this code when the game re-enters GameMode
; after leaving the pause menu



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